Daniel ist Software Engineer for Particular Software, the makers of NServiceBus, and Microsoft MVP for integration. He is an expert on anything remotely related to asynchronous programming and a respected open source project contributor. He speaks regularly about async programming and quality driven software development at conferences and user groups. In his free time, Daniel lifts weights, enjoys dark roasted coffee, plays with his son and writes more and more code, until a self-made router hack turns his internet off.
Traditionally we look at time-based business
rules like invoice reminders or making a
customer preferred as batch jobs. We've
always done it that way so why bother
changing it? Simply put: the more customers
and orders that are added to this system,
the longer it will take the batch job to
run. Your company's success can be your
batch job's undoing. With messaging at hand
we can start predicting the future by
sending a message to our future selves.
In this talk, I show you how to leverage
durable timeouts with messaging and the saga
pattern to become the TimeLord in your
business domains. You can finally get rid of
your batch jobs. To satisfy the Doc Brown in
all of us we'll dive into mad scientist
implementations of durable timeouts in
RabbitMQ and AmazonSQS. Knock. Knock. When's