Daniel Marbach

Daniel is a software engineer at Particular Software and a Microsoft MVP. In his free-time, he enjoys weightlifting, dark-roasted coffee, playing with his son, and contributing performance improvements to open source .NET packages. At least until midnight, when his self-imposed router hack kicks in.

Performance tricks I learned from contributing to the Azure .NET SDK

As a practical learner, I've found performance optimizations are my biggest challenge and where I've learned the most helpful tricks, mostly by trial and error. It turns out the Azure .NET SDK is a perfect “playground” for learning those tricks—it's maintained by people who care and give feedback. Over the past few years, I've contributed over fifty pull requests to the Azure .NET SDK. In this session, I'll walk you through the performance improvements I made, and help you develop your own “superpowers”—spotting and avoiding closure allocations, finding opportunities for memory pooling, and more.