Christian Giesswein

Christian Giesswein has studied Business Informatics in Vienna and is developing with .NET since he has been a child. He is speaking for years in the German area about .NET, the CLR and in special about WPF. In Austria he has founded his company "Giesswein Software-Solutions" ( and is developing software in the Austrian Alps.

Web/App/Desktop mit Blazor – One to rule them all!

Blazor has matured beautifully over the years, moving past its early developmental hurdles to establish itself as the quintessential programming model for not only web and desktop applications but also for the mobile platform. It's a testament to its robustness and flexibility. This makes the upcoming workshop an exciting opportunity to dive deep into the world of Blazor. Participants will get hands-on experience with Blazor Server-Side, WebAssembly, and Hybrid implementations, discovering the remarkable flexibility and power of this advanced programming model. Join us as we unravel the capabilities of Blazor, transforming the way you develop applications across different platforms.